Concerned about the overall cost of working with Virtual Gal Friday?

by Feb 9, 2010virtual assistant0 comments

COST COMPARISON Employee Virtual Gal Friday
Hourly Rate of Pay $20.00 $35.00
Fringe Benefits @ 35%
(Health/Dental/Life Insurance, Retirement Plans)
7.00 None
Overhead Rate @ 50%
(Office Space, Equipment & Office Supply expense, UI Insurance, Worker’s
Compensation, Overtime Pay, Administration Costs)
$10.00 None
Total Effective Rate of Pay $37.00 $35.00
**Hours Per Year 2,080 hrs.

(40 hour per week)

480 hrs.

(40 hrs per month)

TOTAL Annual Labor Cost

Difference = $60,160.00 per year – Working with Virtual Gal Friday…You SAVE over $60,000.00 per year!

Although our rate is more than the employee’s rate, you save the cost of benefits and overhead that would have to be applied to the new employee’s wage.

Simply put, you should contract with a Virtual Administrative Assistant because it’s more cost-effective and Virtual Gal Friday goes above and beyond the normal assistant’s duties to impact your own productivity.

*Souce: Virtual Assistant Networking Association Cost Comparison

About Nancy Brown


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